Opening or closing channel
You as publisher earn 100% publisher commission from purchase based on attribution via advertiser’s deeplink.
for example 10$ comission from purchase
Adblock, ePrivacy and many other factors that affect order tracking negatively due to settings in the user's browser. For example, Adblock is used in Desktop/Mobile by 700 million Internet users worldwide, and in some countries this figure reaches up to 40% of the active Internet audience.
Only closing marketing channel
Your source may be interrupted by other traffic sources, as there are marketing and closing traffic sources (e.g. coupon sites, cashback and loyalty programs). According to Admitad this percentage can be as high as 24% - that's about how many orders you can lose by using an affiliate link.
You have the opportunity to receive 50% of all orders of your referred user for 2 years.
Many types of traffic do not have the possibility to retention, i.e. to attract this user again and earn on his purchases. You lose contact with your user, on whom you have earned once.
Following restrictions on the type of traffic, for example coupon sites are not allowed.
The user is interested in receiving his cashback and therefore user will make the necessary settings in the browser privacy or Adblock, in order for us to be able to credit him cashback.
The Giftmio project, providing cashback links - is separated and extremely motivated team to maximize your income from your referred users.
Attribution: first click wins.